《民航服务英语》课件Unit 6 Flights Delays.pptx

时间:2023-1-21 作者:791650988

《汽车车身电控技术》课件16 安全综述.ppt


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1、,Unit 6 flight delay,Words,Keys to Listening,Announcements,目 录,CONTENTS,Key words,01,请替换文字内容,CLICK TO ADD CAPTION TEXT,Words,visibility vzblt 美 vzblti n.能见度,可见性;low visibility 低能见度poor visibility 不良能见度;能见度不良;较差能见度visibility meter 能见度表adjustment dstmnt n.调整,调节height adjustment 高度调整temperature adjustm

2、ent 温度调节forecast fkst 美 frkst vt.预报,预测;n.预测,预报weather forecast 天气预测,天气预报sales forecast 销售预测e.g.What is your forecast for the race?e.g.In both Japan and China,people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast.,01,请替换文字内容,CLICK TO ADD CAPTION TEXT,Words,overcome vkm vt.克服;胜过e.g.Molly had foug

3、ht and overcome her fear of flying.e.g.The night before the test I was overcome by fear and despair.improve mpruv vt.改善,增进improve efficiency 提高效率improve on 改进;对加以改良improve in 在方面有改进to improve the environment 改善环境engineer endn n.工程师chief engineer 劳经 总工程师;Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师;Manufacturing Engineer

4、 制造工程师;Sales Engineer 销售工程师;Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师;,01,请替换文字内容,CLICK TO ADD CAPTION TEXT,Words,accommodation kmde()n n.住处,膳宿e.g.The price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food.这个价格里包含了所有住宿和吃饭的费用。previous privs adj.以前的;早先的previous job 以前的工作Previous education 最后学历;前导教育previous row 前一

5、行;前段branch brn(t)n.分支;分公司;分部;party branch 党支部branch office 分支机构;分局;分社branch company 分公司branch school 分校branch bank 银行分行,分行overseas branch 国外分支机构;海外分店,01,请替换文字内容,CLICK TO ADD CAPTION TEXT,Words,congestion kndest()n n.拥塞,堵塞raffic congestion 通信量拥挤;信号拥挤congestion control 拥塞控制;拥挤控制nasal congestion 鼻;鼻壅塞;

6、鼻充血,Activity 1 Task C common causes of delay,passenger late arrival,ONE1.CA3592 from Beijing is due in 2.It has been delayed 3.The delay is due to heavy rain there 4.Do you have any further information about it 5.pay attention to the latest announcement,Keys to Listening,TWO1.SX3672 to Kunming can not leave 2.delayed to 10:40 due to the poor weather condition 3.mechanical trouble with the plane4.stop raining within 3hours 5.ensure the safety of our passengers and the plane,fix a time for 为定时间to

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