《管理学专业英语教程(第四版下)》课件Unit 10 Three Types of AI.ppt

时间:2023-1-14 作者:791650988



《《管理学专业英语教程(第四版下)》课件Unit 10 Three Types of AI.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《管理学专业英语教程(第四版下)》课件Unit 10 Three Types of AI.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Outlines,The Business Benefits of AI,Machine Learning,Three Important Business Needs of AI Applications,How AI is Being Used in Industries,AI:What is and why it matters?,Artificial intelligence(AI)makes it possible for machines to learn from experience,adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tas

2、ks.Most AI examples that you hear about today from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing.Using these technologies,computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in

3、 the data.,What is artificial intelligence?,AI:What is and why it matters?,Why artificial intelligence matters?,The History of Artificial Intelligence,Possible Applications for AI,Three Important Business Needs of AI Applications,Three Important Business Needs of AI Applications,The Business Benefit

4、s of AI,We surveyed 250 executives who were familiar with their companies use of cognitive technologies to learn about their goals for AI initiatives.More than half said their primary goal was to make existing products better.Reducing head count was mentioned by only 22%.,Machine Learning,Cognitive

5、insights provided by machine learning differ from those available from traditional analytics in three ways:1.they are usually much more data-intensive and detailed,2.the models typically are trained on some part of the data set,3.the models getter better that is,their ability to use new data to make

6、 predictions or put things into categories improves over time.,How AI is being used in industries,Text(2)Humans and AI Are Joining Forces,The Technologys large impact will be in complementing and augmenting human capabilities,not replacing them.Firms achieve the most significant performance improvements when humans and machines work together.,To take full advantage of this collaboration,companies must understand how humans can most effectively augment machines,how machines can enhance what human

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