《管理学专业英语教程(第四版下)》课件Unit 5 Projects in Contemporary Organizations.ppt

时间:2023-1-14 作者:791650988

《消费心理学》课件11 项目十一网络营销与消费心理.pptx

学 习 目 标,知识目标,能力目标,了解网络营销的含义特点和基础 了解网络营销的心理优势和不利心理反应 理解网络营销的职能和营销市场要素的变化 掌握顾客网上购买决策和厂商网络营销心理策略,运用网络营销知识分析顾客网上购买决策心理 能够在网络,

《《管理学专业英语教程(第四版下)》课件Unit 5 Projects in Contemporary Organizations.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《管理学专业英语教程(第四版下)》课件Unit 5 Projects in Contemporary Organizations.ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Outlines,Project Management is Everywhere,Three Paramount Forces,Forces Fostering Project Management,How to Think of A Project,Project Management is Everywhere,Alions share of the credit for the development of the techniques and practices of project management belongs to the military,organizations w

2、ant to achieve their objectives?,use project management!,the evolution of worldwide competitive markets for the production and consumption of goods and services,the growing demand for a broad range of complex,sophisticated,customized goods and services,the exponential expansion of human knowledge,Th

3、ree Paramount Forces,Three paramount forces,Forces Fostering Project Management,First,the expansion of knowledge allows an increasing number of academic disciplines to be used in solving problems associated with the development,production,and distribution of goods and services.Second,satisfying the

4、continuing demand for more complex and customized products and services depends on our ability to make product design an integrated and inherent part of our production and distribution systems.Third,worldwide markets force us to include cultural and environmental differences in our managerial decisi

5、ons about what,where,when,and how to produce and distribute output.,Forces Fostering Project Management,Another important societal force is the intense competition among institutions fostered by our economic system resulting in organizational crusades“In addition,these forces operate in a society th

6、at assumes that technology can do anything.Finally,the projects we undertake are large and getting larger.,Three Project Objectives,Three direct project objectives or goalsperformance(or scope),time,and cost.,large,complex,multidisciplinary endeavors.,projects,The overwhelming majority,comparatively small,How to Think of A Project,TimeCostspecifications,outcome,performance,the expectations of the client,Project Successs Four Dimensions,project efficiency,impact on the customer,the business impac

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