《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 8 The Lessons of Economics.pptx

时间:2023-1-15 作者:791650988



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1、About the author,Henry Stuart Hazlitt(1894-1993)was an American journalist who wrote about business and economics for such publications as The Wall Street Journal(华尔街日报),The Nation(国家民族政坛),The American Mercury(美国水星),Newsweek(新闻周刊),and The New York Times(纽约时报).He is widely cited in both libertarian(自

2、由主义)and conservative(保守主义)circles.,About the source,A million copy seller,Henry Hazlitts Economics in One Lesson is a classic economic primer.A magnificent job of theoretical exposition.A simple,straightforward analysis of economic fallacies that are so prevalent they have almost become a new orthod

3、oxy.,Search reading,Scan the text in 2 minutes and find out:What is the lesson of economics?,fast reading,Skim the text and highlight keywords or topics among paragraphs.Finish Exercise II.,Video:what is a fallacy?,Check out the video“What is a Fallacy?”twice.Pay special attention to the examples ci

4、ted by the speaker.Pair work:Recount any of the examples to your partner.,cAREFUL READING,Read the paragraphs in more detail and create a mindmap based on your comprehension.,video:5-step process approaching critical thinking,翻译改错:Consider how to revise the following translation.,但悲剧的是,相反,我们已经忍受痛苦的长期后果的政策或远或近的过去。今天已经是明天坏经济学家昨日敦促我们忽视。一些经济政策的长期影响,在几个月内可能变得明显。其他人可能不会成为明显的好几年。还有一些人可能不会明显几十年了。但在任何情况下这些政策中包含的长期后果是肯定母鸡的蛋,花的种子。从这个方面,因此,整个经济学可以减少到一个教训,教训可以被简化为一个句子。经济学的艺术在于不仅看着眼前的但不再影响的任何行为或政策;它包含在跟踪这一政策的后果不仅仅是一组但是对于所有组。,

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