《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 14 Artificial Intelligence.pptx

时间:2023-1-15 作者:791650988



《《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 14 Artificial Intelligence.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 14 Artificial Intelligence.pptx(8页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Preview Discussion,1.What is the abbreviation for“artificial intelligence”?In what fields is it applied?2.What do you think of the prospects of artificial intelligence?3.What moral or ethical problems might arise from it?How can we avoid the possible problems?,Video,The video provides answers to the

2、 following questions.While watching the video,pay special attention to when the keywords appear.What would the speaker call AI?What has been a success?What has been a disaster?What analogy does the speaker use to explain the term“enveloping the world”?Into what is the environment transforming?,Video

3、,What would the speaker call AI?Smart technologies.What has been a success?What has been a disaster?AI/ENG.AI/C.S.D.What analogy does the speaker use to explain the term“enveloping the world”?Dishwasher.Into what is the environment transforming?An AI-friendly environment.,Fast Reading,Read ONLY the

4、transitions between paragraphs.Underline keywords.10 minutes.Try to finish Exercise III.,Skiming the Text,Try to finish Exercise I in 10 minutes.While skimming the context,DONT read the content,BUT pay attention to 3 types of clues:Pronouns(指代词)Keywords(关键词)Transitions(关联词)Tense(时态),Clues within the

5、 missing sentences,A.By the late 1980s and 1990s,AI research had developed methods for dealing with uncertain or incomplete information,employing concepts from probability and economics.B.Many tools are used in AI,including versions of search and mathematical optimization,neural networks and methods

6、 based on statistics,probability and economics.C.Emotion and social skills are important to an intelligent agent for two reasons.D.The semantics of these are captured as description logic concepts,roles,and individuals,and typically implemented as classes,properties,and individuals in the Web Ontology Language.E.These consist of particular traits or capabilities that researchers expect an intelligent system to display.F.Major publishers now use artificial intelligence(AI)technology to post stori

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