《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 12 The Perils of Sharenting.pptx

时间:2023-1-15 作者:791650988

《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 5 Triple Package of Personality Traits.pptx

Tiger mother:Amy Chua,This bestselling parenting memoir generates a lot of publicity.An article published under the head,

《《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 12 The Perils of Sharenting.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 12 The Perils of Sharenting.pptx(15页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Prediction,Read the title and decide the tone of the text.A.positiveB.criticalC.objectiveD.pessimistic,What is“sharenting”?,A mix of sharing and parenting,sharenting(or oversharenting)is a feature of modern parenting,as increasing numbers of parents share photos and videos of their children on socia

2、l media.,Skimming the Text,Try finish Exercise I in 10 minutes.While skimming the context,DONT read the content,BUT pay attention to 3 types of clues:Pronouns(指代词)Keywords(关键词)Transitions(关联词),Clues within the missing sentences,“Applications such as Snapchat,which circumvent the permanence of most d

3、igital communications,are very popular among adolescents and teens,since they allow users to share intimate moments without the drama or long-term consequences of persistent messaging applications.”Some parents publish real-time information about their childrens whereabouts,potentially risking their

4、 safety.And well-meaning adults readily go online to share photos of their kids in a variety of intimate settings.Given the searchable,shareable,long-lasting nature of whats published on the web,this dual role of parent and publisher raises a host of questions about privacy,consent,and the parent-ch

5、ild relationship more broadly.Regardless of where you stand on the issue,the episode helps illustrate one of the perils of sharenting:There are three children in the photo,none of whom can opt out of the digital footprint their family has now established for them.Is that fair to the kids?These child

6、ren might have legal arguments that could offer them privacy protections from their parents online disclosures,but it is also possible that a public health model will offer them even better protections while respecting family autonomy.Similar to the online decisions children will one day make on their own accord,the digital information has the potential to follow them throughout life.“With private groups,there is this false sense that everybody in the group knows each other and has the same inte

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