《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 13 The History of Common Core State Standards.pptx

时间:2023-1-15 作者:791650988

《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 14 Artificial Intelligence.pptx

Preview Discussion,1.What is the abbreviation forartificial intelligenceIn what fields is it applied2.What do you think ,

《《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 13 The History of Common Core State Standards.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《研究生学术英语读译教程》课件Unit 13 The History of Common Core State Standards.pptx(13页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Preview Discussion,1.What are your favorite memories of schools?What are the least favorite memories?2.Do you believe there should be a national curriculum for public schools?Why or why not?3.Judging by the title,what do you expect to read in this article?,Fast Reading,Skim the text and pay special

2、attention to the transitions among paragraphs.Consider what questions to come up with.e.g.What does“they”in S 1 of para.2 refer to?Try to list as many questions as possible.,Q&A,Identifying and Summarizing Key Points,Read the text and finish Exercise II.,The History of Common Core State Standards,Th

3、e History of Common Core State Standards,The History of Common Core State Standards,The History of Common Core State Standards,Reading for Specific Details,Read the text again and finish Exercise III.,Reflecting on Key Points,General speaking,the support from central government to a specific set of

4、standards will be very helpful in its implementation.Why do you think the author mentioned“the backlash and cries of government overreach”and used the term“political football”?,Group Discussion,Who should make decisions about educationParents?Professional educators?Elected officials?Specially appoin

5、ted experts?Or the students themselves?Read the statements below and discuss the pros and cons of each.With whom do you agree?,Parents:“They are our kids.We know what is best for them.We should decide what they learn and how they are taught.”Teachers:“What do parents know?We are the ones with the sp

6、ecial training.We should make the decisions.”Government officials:“We have the best view of the issues.We know the budget,and we understand the laws and how they apply.Only we can make the best decisions.”University experts:“We have studied the problems and done the research.We should be consulted before any decisions are made.”Students:“It is our lives and education that are at stake.No decisions should be made without our advice and agreement.”,Group Discussion,Read through the two Text B enti

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