教师资格证考试小学英语逐字稿Who’s your math teacher.pdf

时间:2023-1-21 作者:791650988

教师资格证考试初中英语逐字稿The sense group and pause.pdf


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1、 Whos your math teacherWhos your math teacher Step 1:WarmStep 1:Warm-upup Good morning boys and girls!Very nice to see you!Before we start our lesson,lets sing a song together!Please stand up!Clap hands together!One two three go!第一段可固定,表演表情丰富,声音洪亮,落落大方。(唱歌)What a beautiful voice!Thank you!Please sit

2、 down!大方邀请坐下 Step 2:Lead inStep 2:Lead in Look!I have some pictures for you!Look at the screen 大方伸手指向屏幕 Wow!All of you are so excited!You know them right!Who are they?Great!Mr.Wang,Miss Zhang,Miss Li.Oh!Of course,its me its me!手拍拍自己的胸口(做肢体语言)Please tell me,what is their job?Em!Exactly!I hear a very

3、loud voice.They are teachers!逐步引导至“职业”Do you like them?Well,today,we will talk about teachers.But not about jobs,its about their personality.转身板书 Whos your math teacher.再由职业引导至“性格”Step 3:PreStep 3:Pre-speakingspeaking 1)Showing videos of Peppa pig.Look,today I invite your best friend to our class.Wh

4、o is she?Yeah!You are so excited.Shes Peppa!Lets say hello to Peppa.Hello Peppa!挥手 Well,lets go and see what does Peppa do in the video.做招手指引看电影的动作。(停顿 2-3s)Who can tell me what does Peppa do in the video?Ok,Lisa,I hear your voice,you please.Wonderful,she talks about her teachers.Whats her teacher l

5、ike?引导至形容词,讲解新词。Exactly,Mr.Cat is short.转身板书 short How about Miss Rabbit?Great!She is kind.转身板书 kind What other words do you know to talk about a person?Em.some of you say tall,some of you say strict.You are so knowledgeable!用 some of you.some of you 营造出七嘴八舌的气氛,表明学生参与多,同时转身板书 strict,tall,此处可以自由发挥词语,

6、用复习的方式学习单词。2)Showing expressions.We can use these words to talk about people.But how to ask about personality?Wow,amazing!You have sharp ears.We hear Peppa pig say.拖音 What does he/she look like.转身板书 We can answer it by.拖音 He/She is.tall/short.and so on!I want to give all of you big hand!鼓掌营造气氛 Step 4:WhileStep 4:While-speakingspeaking 1)Quick ask and answer.1)Quick ask and answer.This time,lets strike while the iron is hot!Lets play a game named quick ask and answer.Here are many cards on my han

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