
时间:2022-11-17 作者:791650988


英语写作训练,写作训练的思路,写一完整的句子:,句子的完整句子的连贯句子的简洁句子的多样化,主题句, 扩展句, 结论句,设计一个段落:,基础写作,读写任务,写一个完整的句子,这几句是正确的句子吗 如果你认为有误, 该怎么改,1.The me,


1、剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试写作培训课程(二),西南财经大学 张 玮(副教授/博士/硕士生导师),商务便条,(一)应试要求 (1)字数一定要控制在4050以内,多字或少字都可能会扣分。(2)一定要完成题目所指定的3项任务(一般为3项)。(3)根据写信人和收信人的关系和要求写的内容判断 使用语气的正式程度。,(4)商务便条主要是公司内部交流,上级给下级写,语气不必特别正式,下级给上级写,最好采用正式语气。给平级同事写信,语气也不必太正式。上级给下级安排日常工作或下级向上级请示工作,最好用正式语气。平级之间的一般交流,可以不太正式。切记不要把不正式和不礼貌混淆,不正式不代表不礼貌。无论给谁写信都要礼。


英语书面表达指导,1 General structure,3 Advanced expressions,Various structuresGraceful words,2 Linking words,Elements of a passa,

2、貌。,(5)宁可用正确的简单句,也不用错误的复杂句。 (6)注意单词和语法的准确性,建议不使用缩略式或者疑难词,以防出错。(7)写前打个草稿,明确格式(英文商务便条的段落开头一般靠左顶格写)和内容,写后应仔细检查。,(二)基本构成 商务便条一般有四个组成部分:日期、称呼、正文、签名。,例如: 10 a. m.Miss Liu,I have got an urgent meeting today. Please contact the applicants to postpone the interviews till further notice.T.H.,(三)便条类型(1)提供信息样题1:。

3、You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become Mason Golding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name.Write a memo of 40 – 50 words:informing staff of the new nametelling them when to start using the new nameasking sta。

4、ff to use only the new name after that time.,范文(正文)1: As a result of our merger with Mason & Co., the name of our company will be changed Mason Golding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2011. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.,样题2:You are the training manage。

5、r of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff.Write a memo to staff:explaining why the courses are necessarysaying which members of staff should attendannouncing when the courses will startWrite 40-50 words on a se。

6、parate sheet.,范文2:To: All staffFrom: the Training ManagerDate: 1 March 2011Subject: A Foreign Language Training CourseI was asked to organize a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 3 weeks. Those who will deal with orders should attend this course.,常用句式:I am writing to tell/inform you that.I am writing to explain. (tell your boss why you cannot attend)I am writing to express (my regret). 常用动词:tell, notify。

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