
时间:2022-10-28 作者:791650988


英语考试词汇学习方法指导 词汇学习是指在词汇积累的基础上,深入准确地理解词义,正确地使用词汇。下面我们谈一谈单词记忆基础上的运用策略: 一词不离句我们发现,有些同学虽记了大量的单词和短语,却不会用。一个单词只有放在句子中才有确切具体的意思,,


1、 Passage 1: It is common knowledge that forecasting is an attempt by meteorologists to determine what weather will be like in the future. Hindcasting is the opposite of forecasting, an attempt to determine what weather was like in the past. Meteorologists wish that records of weather had been kept i。


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2、n full for at least a few millennia, but it has been only in the last century that detailed records of the weather have been kept. Thus, meteorologists need to hindcast the weather, and they do so by using all sorts of information from other fields as diverse as archeology, botany, geology, literatu。

3、re, and art. These pieces of information from other fields that are used as a basis for drawing conclusions about what the weather must have been like at some point in the past are called proxies. Passage 2: The Sahara is a massive desert, the worlds largest, in fact. It is approximately equal in si。

4、ze to the United States and covers more than 9 million square kilometers. It is more than 5,500 kilometers from east to west and 2,000 kilometers from north to south. The Sahara has a very dry climate. The average annual rainfall is not even 10 centimeters, and may areas receive less that 2 centimet。

5、ers per year. In the very driest places, it rains only about once a century. There is little surface water in the Sahara. The Nile River does run through the Sahara, and there are some oases there, but otherwise the surface is dry. Of the oases in the Sahara, about 90 are large enough to support tin。

6、y villages. Passage 3: It is very common in English for one word to have many different meanings. This condition, where one word has different meanings, is known as polysemy. (This term comes from poly- meaning “many” and sem- meaning “meaning”.) Sound is one such polysemic word. As a noun, it refers to a noise (as in a loud sound) or a body of water (as in Puget Sound). As an adjective, it can refer to a state of health (as in sound mi。

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