江苏牛津译林版高中英语必修三:《Unit1 The world of our senses 》

时间:2020-4-15 作者:791650988


Language study



Retell the story Fog with the help of the following chart.

1.L7. Once out in the street, she walked towards … bus.

  Recall the rules of omitting the subject in the clause. Put it into use and translate the sentences.


  Once published, this dictionary will be very popular.

2. 一旦被抓,他会受到惩罚。

  Once caught, he will be punished.

 Words of similar use:

if; when; while; unless etc.

When ________, it is of great help to learn some skills.

A. reading 
B. read     

C. to read
D. students read

2. When ________ (tell) the truth, he lost his


3. Unless _______ (make) the most of, time will

   not be enough.

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