
时间:2022-11-2 作者:791650988




1、The Popular Ballads,Main form of Medieval Folk Literature,In this part, well focus on,Definition and Origin of Popular BalladsStylistic Features of the BalladsSubjects of the Ballads,Definition of Popular Ballads,A ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads were particularly 。



2、characteristic of British and Irish popular poetry and song from the later medieval period until the 19th century and used extensively across Europe and later North America, Australia and North Africa.,百科名片,民间流行的、富于民族色彩的歌曲,称为民谣或民歌。民谣的历史悠远,故其作者多不知名。民谣的内容丰富,有宗教的、爱情的、战争的、工作的,也有饮酒、舞蹈作乐、祭典等等。民谣既是表现一个民族的感。

3、情与习尚,因此各有其独特的音阶与情调风格。如法国民谣的蓬勃、意大利民谣的热情、英国民谣的淳朴、西班牙民谣的狂放不羁、中国民谣的缠绵悱恻,都表现了强烈的民族气质与色彩。英国民谣(English Ballad),起源于中世纪末期,即12、13世纪,兴盛于14、15世纪,复兴于18、19世纪,是英国最古老的诗歌形式之一。它主要包括两大部分,英格兰民谣和苏格兰民谣。,Origin of Popular Ballads,During the long period of Middle Ages, popular ballads were preserved and passed down through。

4、 oral transmission. Women were the most prominent carriers of oral balladry; they were also capable of creating individual variants.,世界上唯一的女性文字:女书就有用来记录歌谣的。,Origin of Popular Ballads,The standard modern collection for ballads remains Francis James Childs The English and Scottish Popular Ballads that。

5、 he edited between 1882 and 1898. When official collected and printed they are reshaped and rewritten with a number of variations. Ballads also have a considerable effect on contemporary poets, with Wordsworth, Keats, Coleridge producing literary ballads.,百科名片,诗经The Book of Songs是我国第一部诗歌总集,收入自西周初年至春。

6、秋中叶五百多年的诗歌311篇,又称诗三百。先秦称为诗,或取其整数称诗三百。西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称诗经,并沿用至今。诗经共有风(ballad)、雅(dynastic hymns)、颂(song,ode,eulogy)三个部分。其中“风”包括了十五个地方的民歌,叫“十五国风”,有160篇,是诗经中的核心内容。“风”的意思是土风、风谣。“雅”是正声雅乐,分“大雅”、“小雅”,有诗105篇,其中大雅31篇,小雅74篇。“颂”是祭祀乐歌,分“周颂”、“鲁颂”、“商颂”,有诗40篇。是“五经”之一。诗经距今已有2500年的历史。 汉代的乐府以及后来唐代的新乐府 也收集和改编了不少古代民歌。,Stylistic Feature of the Ballads,Oral NatureThe popular ballad has an oral currency which makes it easier to remember and easier to memorize. Therefore all the stylistic features of it have derived from th。

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