牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Fun&Cartoon》课件(公开课).ppt

时间:2022-8-7 作者:791650988


第六章 平面向量与复数,第四节复 数,目 录,CONTENTS,知识 逐点夯实,考点 分类突破,课时过关检测,01,知识 逐点夯实 课前自修,重点准 逐点清 结论要牢记,02,考点 分类突破 课堂讲练,理解透 规律明 变化究其本,,

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牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Letter, & Ticking》课件(公开课).ppt

,Unit 6 Colours Period 3,Tips: 你想得到几颗星呢,Try your best,Who is wearing today today todayWho is wearing today today,Lets ch,

1、,Unit 6 Colours,Unit 6 Colours,Long Ting Experimental Primary School,Chen Yun (陈芸),yellow,red,blue,green,brown,black,white,orange,Cap, cap, what colour is this cap?Red, black, red and black.,Cat, cat, what colour is this cat?White, white, its white.,(找不同),A,B,A,B,(找不同),wear 穿着,wearing,Enjoy the song。

2、,Sing the song,(替换颜色,并创编新歌),Who is wearing _ today?,_today, _ today?,Hes wearing _ today, _ today.,Shes wearing _ today, _ today.,A. a cap,Bobby would like(想要)_,B. an egg,B,egg,an egg,(看卡通,并选择),1,3,4,A.你喜欢鸡蛋吗?,Would you like an egg?,Yes, please.,2,好的,太感谢了。,would,you,like,B.你想要一个鸡蛋吗?,Egg, egg, an egg。

3、. Would you like an egg?Yes, yes, yes, please.,(看一看,想一想),or 或;还是,(读一读,演一演),试着来做个小小配音员吧!,Good morning.,Good morning.,Would you like an egg?,Yes, please.,What colour?,Red, blue, green, brown, orange or yellow?,What colour?,Would Bobby like an egg at last?,(Bobby最后会买鸡蛋吗?),Yes or no?,红蛋,喜蛋,西方,中国,结婚,宝宝新生。

4、,复活节彩蛋,Game: choose the eggs,green tea (茶)black tea(茶)white coffee (咖啡),black and blue 青一块紫一块yellow dog 卑鄙的人,绿茶,加牛奶的咖啡,红茶,(你知道它们的中文吗?),How lucky!,an egg,+,=,_,+,=,_,+,=,_,+,How lucky!,an egg,What colour is this ?What colour is my ?What colour is it?,Its ,Name:_,1、Sing the song with your friends.(和你的朋友一起唱这首歌。),2、Tell the story to your parents.(向你的爸爸妈妈讲述这个故事。),3、Write down the story in your storybook.(把这个故事写在你的故事本上。),。

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