
时间:2022-6-12 作者:791650988


第一单元复习,部编版小学语文六年级下册,目录,1,2,3,4,北京的春节,腊八粥,古诗三首,藏戏,语文园地,词语积累,腊月 初旬 展览 陈醋 饺子 榛子 风筝 空竹 口琴 气象 擦黑 鞭炮 黏稠 眨眼 除夕 扫除 扫房 店铺 开张 春联 对,


1、2022/6/12,1,导游英语 第二版高等教育出版社出版,2022/6/12,2,Unit Seven Tourists Missing,Travel in Zejiang 游客走失浙江导游,教学内容,2022/6/12,3,Part A Know-how for Tour Guides导游实务1. Tourists Missing游客走失2. Measures Taken to Prevent Tourists from Getting Lost预防游客走失的方法3. Taboos on Individual Sightseeing独自游览的禁忌Part B Listening Compr。

2、ehension导游听力训练Liuhe Pagoda (Six-harmony Pagoda)六和塔,教学内容,Part C Situational Dialogue情景对话West Lake西湖Part D Methods of Introduction景点讲解方法 Method of Introduction with Quotations引用法,教学内容,Part E Introduction to Tourist Sites景点讲解Lingyin Temple (Temple of the Souls Retreat)灵隐寺Part F Tourism Culture旅游文化Chine。


溜 索,1.能够把握文章情节脉络。2.学会品味文章语言,体会语言风格。3.能够抓住细节,分析人物形象。,学习目标,整体感知,阅读全文,并用一句话概括主要内容。,一个领队带领驮队和我一起溜索过怒江。,用简洁的语言概括本文的开端发展高潮和结局。,

3、se Towers and Pavilions中国亭台楼阁 Part G Translation景点翻译Tourist Sites in Zhejiang浙江旅游景点,Part A: Know-how for Tour Guides,blame n. v.责备;谴责criticize v.批评relieve v.减轻;使放心exterior adj.外部的:外在的brochure n.小册子lifeguard n.救生员,New words,导游实务,Proper Nouns Dragon-well Tea龙井茶 Hangzhou杭州市 Zejiang Province浙江省 front of。

4、fice(饭店)前台,导游实务,2022/6/12,8,1. Tourists Missing,After supper, Miss Ke Liting takes tourists to drink the Dragon-well Tea in the downtown area in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zejiang Province. After tea she finds the Browns are missing. How could she find the Brwons?,1. Listen carefully, and fill in。

5、 the words or phrases you have heard.,(1)Miss Ke Liting should first _when and where other tourists see the Browns last time, and then try to look for them.(2)She may call the front office of the hotel to check whether _.(3)If there are two guides, one guide should continue to escort the tour group 。

6、according to the travel schedule while the other guide should_.,make sure,they have returned,look for the missing tourist,along the route,(4)If she fails to find the Browns, she should require the travel agency to send staff to handle the case. If necessary, _.(5)After the Browns are found, she shou。

7、ld _if she is to blame; if the Browns are to blame, she should graciously remind them not to travel alone again instead of criticizing them.6) In the case where the Browns disappear and nothing is heard from them, the guide should _.,ask the local police station for help,do an apology,hand in a writ。

8、ten report for the record,导游实务,2022/6/12,11,2. Listen again and answer the following questions.,1. Why do you think the guide may call the front office of the hotel if tourists are missing? Just make sure whether the tourists have returned to the hotel.,2. Do you think the guide is to blame if touri。

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