
时间:2022-11-12 作者:791650988


永遇乐京口北固亭怀古,辛弃疾,永遇乐,词牌名。,京口北固亭,登临地点。,怀古,所写内容的怀古,大多是通过今昔对比,以古讽今。,永遇乐 京口北固亭怀古,辛弃疾,南宋时,有一个人,他是一员武将,戎马一生,满心想的都是收复失地;有一个人,他.是一,


1、Unit 4 Colors and Mood,Teaching aims,1. Learning the meaning of color red in our daily life.2. Master the new words and useful phrase. 3.Understanding that effect articles.,Warming up,What is your favourite color ?Why do you like that color ?Can you tell me which color can make you feel happier or m。

(全国版)高考语文一轮复习课件专题十一新闻阅读总 (含详解).ppt


2、ore comfortable ?,Useful phrases,For instance, green is associated with Christmas. be associated with 与有关,联系起来eg:Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.,The shape of a heart is used to mean love.,be used to 被用来做 本句中use用于被动语态,其中to是不定式,to mean love 为不定式做状语eg:This kind of brush is used to clean the。

3、 window.,to做介词时还可以译为“习惯于”eg:You should be used to eating noodles.,How many colors are there in the word?,256X256X256=16777216种(光源色)RGB各256色三原色:red green blue,When someone is very angry,people would say that he or she sees red.see red 大怒,火冒三丈eg:Her words were enough to make anyone see red.,A holiday 。

4、is called a red-letter day.a red-letter day 吉日eg: Today is a red-letter day for them.,Guests of honor are usually given a red-carpet treatment.a red-carpet treatment 隆重的接待receive a red-carpet welcome 受到隆重的欢迎eg:Chairman Xi was given a red-carpet treatment by many people.,But when someone is caught in。

5、 the middle of stealing, people say that he was caught red-handed.catch sb red-handed 当场抓住某人做坏事eg:He was caught red-handed in the supermarket.,Exercises,Try to match the phrases in column A with their explanations B. A BRed Cross a holiday red carpet an international organization a red-letter day wa。

6、rmest welcome a red battle fight to death,Summary,be associated with 与有关,联系起来 be used to 被用来做 , 习惯于see red 大怒,火冒三丈a red-letter day 吉日a red-carpet treatment 隆重的接待receive a red-carpet welcome 受到隆重的欢迎catch sb red-handed 当场抓住某人做坏事,Homerwork,Memery the new words and useful phrases. Preview the words and article,编后语,同学们在听课的过程中,还要善于抓住各种课程的特点,运用相应的方法去听,这样才能达到最佳的学习效果。 一、听理科课重在理解基本概念和规律 数、理、化是逻辑性很强的学科,前面的知识没学懂,后面的学习就很难继续进行。因此,掌握基本概念是学习的关键。上课时要抓好概念的理解,同时,大家要开动脑筋,思考老师是怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的,要边听边想。为讲明一个定理,推出一个公式,。

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