四年级英语下册课件《Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures68》外研版(三起).pptx

时间:2022-11-12 作者:791650988

四年级英语下册课件《Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures3》外研版(三起).ppt

Module 8,Unit 2 I took some pictures.,It then.,It now.,They then.,They then.,was thin,is fat,were small,are big,He was t,

《四年级英语下册课件《Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures68》外研版(三起).pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语下册课件《Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures68》外研版(三起).pptx(32页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

四年级英语下册课件《Module 7 Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish135》外研版(三起).ppt

MODULE 7 UNIT 2 Grandma cooked fish,Listen, point and say.,What can you see,I can see,Mrs Cat,Miss Dog,Mrs Cat,Miss Dog,,

1、英语(新标准)(三年级起点)四年级下册,Module 8 Unit 2,I took some pictures.,Step1,Warm up and lead in.,see,saw,sing,sang,go,went,ate,drink,drank,I was thin then.,now,then,He was thin then.,He is very fat now.,Why?,He ate and drank, ate and drank.,Dont eat and drink too much.,had a picnic,had a good time,took some pic。

2、tures,poster,made a,Step 2,Task Presentation:,Talk about what you and your family did last Sunday and make a poster.制作海报,介绍自己和家人在上个星期日的活动。,Text learning.,Step 3,Question 1,Mum saw Damings poster.What did she say(说)?,Thats great.,Question 2,What did they do last Sunday?,What did they do last Sunday?,。

3、food.,They ate lots of,delicious,What did they do last Sunday?,They played games.,What did they do last Sunday?,They drank milk and juice.,We played games.,We drank milk and juice.,.,I took some pictures,Practice.,Step 4,1 2 34 5 6,Lets play a game.,Yesterday I_.,skipped,Yesterday I .,sang,Yesterday。

4、 I .,ate noodles,Yesterday I .,made a cake,Yesterday I .,played basketball,Youre lucky. A candy for you.,Sing a song,Task completion.,Step 5,Work in group .Talk about what did you do and your family do last Sunday and make a poster.小组合作,讨论你和家人上周日的活动并制作海报。,Last Sunday Dad .Mum .Grandma . I .,went swimming,went to the supermarket,listened to music,did my homework,Summary and homework.,Step 6,take – make-eat- drink-,took,made,ate,drank,告诉,告知,tell,非常好的,great,海报,poster,Homework,All of you: (1)Listen , read the text.(2)Remember the key words and sentences.Some of you: 向老师或朋友介绍自己制作的关于家人周末活动的海报。,。

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