
时间:2022-11-12 作者:791650988


Unit 5HonestyReading,丰宁职教中心 魏衍锦,Free talk about honesty,Are you honest at school你在学校诚实吗,How many times in the past year ,


Unit 5HonestyReading,丰宁职教中心 魏衍锦,Free talk about honesty,Are you honest at school你在学校诚实吗,How many times in the past year ,




1、Computers,UNIT 7,电脑,计算机,PART ONE,P52 Warming up,-What this? -Its _.,- Whats the use of it? -We can_.,get money from it.,an ATM,自动取款机,P52 Warming up,-What this? -Its _.,- Whats the use of it? -We can_.,play computer games / type,a computer,电脑,计算机,P52 Warming up,-What this? -Its _.,- Whats the use of 。

2、it? -We can_.,search information from it,Internet,英特网,P52 Warming up,-What this? -Its _.,- Whats the use of it? -We can_.,book tickets from it,a booking office,售票处,P52 Warming up,-What this? -Its _.,- Whats the use of it? -We can_.,get on the Internet,a net bar,网吧,我们可以上网。,P52 Warming up,-What this? 。

3、-Its _.,- Whats the use of it? -We can_.,play and relax,a computer game,电脑游戏,我们玩和放松。,P53 Dark Screen,1.What can we do by using computer?,-For boys: play computer games -For girls: do shopping online -For businessman: do business (做生意) -For students:learning,QQ,MSN,reading, finding jobs,黑 屏,P53 Dark 。

4、Screen,2.What troubles can computer take?,黑 屏,We will get into trouble if the computer is down.,P53 Dark Screen,Have you ever met the situation where the computer was down when you were using it? What could you do when the computer was down?”,P54 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),1.Computers sometimes ca。

5、n get you into trouble and the terrible words in English are ”Our computer is _ ” 2. When I was waiting for a ticket, I heard the pretty girl in the booking office say, “ _ . ”3. I _ and found all the passengers just drinking coffee and _ the dark screen.4. We give the computer the information about。

6、 your trip, and then it tells us whether _.,down,Im sorry I cant sell you a ticket. Our computer is down,looked around,you can take this flight or not,looking at,P54 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),5. “How long will it be down?” I asked. The girl answered, “ Sorry, _. Sometimes its down for _. Sometimes its down for two hours.”6. It is clear that the trouble doesnt come _ but _ who _.,I have no idea,ten minutes,from the computer,the person,works on it,P54 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),One day I was 。

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