七年级英语上册Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use教案(外研版)

时间:2020-8-12 作者:791650988

七年级英语上册Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival教案(外研版)

七年级英语上册Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival教案(外研版),外研版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.

Book 1 Module9 People and places

一、    教学内容:Unit3 Language in use

二、    课型:Revision and application

三、    教学目标:   

1、正确运用本模块的词汇: call, lie in the sun, take photos of, wait for, a few ,on sale, enjoy ,  hot dog , restaurant, go back等。




四、    教学重难点:


五、    教学准备:

本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。

六、    教学过程:

教学步骤     教 师 活 动    学 生 活 动    活 动 目 的

Step One


(3’)    1. Show the flash of some pigs, but students can’t see what they are doing. Get students to guess.

T: What is he doing? Is he running? Is he singing?     1.See and guess:

He /She is …..

     以游戏引出话题,活跃课堂 气氛,鼓励学生大 胆表达。同时复习巩固现在进行时态句型。

Step Two


    1. Show students the phrases ask and a nswer questions in pairs . (Activity 4)

2. Let students see nine sentences and ask them to try to find out the rules of v. ing forms.

3.Ask the students to do some exercises

    1. Use the given phrases,

ask and answer like this :

A: Are you running for a bus ?

B: No. /Yes

2. See nine sentences and try to find out the rules of v. ing forms.

3.Do some exercises

1).The  girls_______(buy) hot dogs.

2.)Daming ________

(have) an ice cream.

3.)Tony _________(talk) on his cell phone.

4).Betty_________(carry) a bag.

5).Lingling_______(shop) in the mall.    通过两人小组问答训练学生大胆开口表达,真正学好运用英语,

七年级英语上册Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 2 My mother’s cleaning our houses and sweeping away bad luck教案(外研版)

七年级英语上册Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 2 My mother’s cleaning our houses and sweeping away bad luck教案(外研版),外研版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.




    4.Show the picture about Betty’s school trip on the Great Wall . Ask Ss to say .

(Activity 1)

5.Ask the students to complete the conversation between Tony and his father.

T: Tony is visiting the Forbidden City now and he is calling his dad .

(Activity 2)

3. Organize Ss to check the answers.

4. Have Ss write about

the pictures.

(Activity 2)

5. Have  one student show his answer to the class

    4.Look at the picture and say what  they are doing.

(Activity 1)

5.Complete the conversation between Tony and his father.

(Acti vity 2)

3. Check the answers.

4. Write about the

pictures.(Activity 2)

5 .Check the answers.    

通过大量的口头训练 和笔头的训练,进一步强化现在 进行时的用法,加强词汇的理解和运用。鼓励学生要相互合作,相互学习和竞争,提高对英语的学习兴趣,让学生们在快乐中学习。

Step Three



    1. Around the world.

Show students pictures of the US.

T: There are different time zones from New York to Hawaii. And people in different places are doing different  things .Please read and

finish the blanks.

2. Make a radio report

Have Ss work in group s of three of four .And plan a radio  report.


4.Organization    1. Read Around the world

And finish the blanks .

 It’s     in New York, and people are       .It’s     in Los Angeles, children are           .

It’s     in Hawaii, most people are           .

2Work in group s of three of four .And plan a radio report.

What news you’d like to report.

List the activities

Ma ke notes

Write down the news .

3.Show their reports to the whole class.

4. Choose the best report.    


通过小组合作讨论,共同完成一个新闻报道,运用本模块所学到的词汇和句型,运用正确 时态去表达。鼓励同学们大胆想象大胆表达自己的想法。

Step Four



    Ask the students to conclude the usage of

the present continue tense.    Students conclude the usage of the present continue tense.


Step Five

Homework(1’)    Write a news report.

板书设计    Module9 People and places

Unit 3 Language in use

现在进行时:be +V.ing



 (  )1. Wang Hui is __________ his mother on his cell phone.

A. drawing        B. leaving      C. calling            D. telling

(  )2. Don’t talk here. They are __________.

A. walking        B. playing      C. sitting             D. sleeping

(  )3、 —__________ the trip?

     —Yes, we are.

A. Does he enjoy           B. Do you enjoy    

C. Is Sam enjoying        D. Are you enjoying

(  )4、 The tiger _ ___ breakfast.

A. run for         B. runs      C. i s running        D. is running for

(  )5、He usually sends ________ postcards to his friend.

A. a lot            B. lot of       C. a lot of         D. a lots




七年级英语上册Module 9 People and places Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains教案(外研版)

七年级英语上册Module 9 People and places Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains教案(外研版),外研版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.

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