七年级英语上册Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 1 I always like birthday parties教案(外研版)

时间:2020-8-12 作者:791650988

七年级英语上册Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts教案(外研版)

七年级英语上册Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts教案(外研版),外研版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.

Book 1 Module8 Choosing presents







1、功能:能用“Would you like to…?”。发出邀请


3、词汇:card, party, present, would, always, great, cake, never, cut, give, sing, happy, choose, wear, shoe, spend, money, film, song, usually, sometimes, often, ect.

4、语音:/k /  / g /  /θ/  / ð /  /ʃ /  /ʒ /


1、听:能识别用 “Would you like to …?” 句型发出的邀请和能听懂关于如何过生日的简单描述。

2、说:能用“Would you like to …?”句型发出邀请和询问对方如何过生日。














Unit 1 I always like birthday parties?

教  材    英语(新标准)七年级上册    课时    1课时

教 学 设 计

课  型    Listening and speaking

教学目标    1.Language Knowledge:

To use the key vocabulary: card, party, present, would, always, never, cut, give, sing, ha ppy, secret,

To use the key structures: Would you like to…?

             I always/ often/ usually/ sometimes/ never…

2. Listening and speaking skills:

1)To understand conversations involving  birthday in listening. Improve the students’ listening ability.

2) To understand the description of birthday celebration.

3) To use the invitation expressed by Would you like to…?

4) To ask about one’s birthday.

3. Affection and attitudes: To like making friends with others and care for others’ likes.

教学重点    1. To understand conversations involving birthday in listening. Improve the students’ listening ability.

2. To talk about one’s birthday.

教学方法    听说法、练习法

教学准备    录音机、多媒体及其它直观教具



教学步骤    教师活动    学生活动    活动目的


Pre-task      1.Warming- up

 Greet to the Ss.

2.Lead in

1. Organize the Ss to enjoy and sing a happy song—Happy birthday.

.Q: What is the song about ?

To lead the title.

3. Free talk.

Q1: When is your birthday?

Q2:How do you celebrate  your birthday?    

1.Greet to the teacher .

2. Listen to the songs and sing with the recorder.

3.Answer the q uestion:

What is the song about?

 ( Birthday)

4. To read the title once. And answer the teacher’s questions.




While_ task.    Presentation of key words.

(T: What do we usually do on our birthday?  to lead in this part.)

1. Show the Ss the pictures an d teach the new words.

2. Check the new words.    

1. Look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions. They can answer all together, or a group, or one by one.

2. Look at the pictures. Say out the new words one by one.    用多媒体展示与课文有关的图片,使学生从这些直观图片轻松地学习新词汇。新颖动感的图片增加了学习的乐趣。


   (Activity 2)

1.  Play the tape , Have the students number the words as they hear. Then check the answers.

2. Guide the students to learn the conversation (Activity 3).

(T: I have a friend, his name is Tony. This Saturday is his birthday. What does he do? And What about his friends?…    to lead in the conversation.)

3. Play the tape again and get the students to listen and choose the best answers. Then check.

    Task1: Listening

1. Listen and number the words as they hear. Then check.

2.. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answers. Then check.

1.Daming’s birthday is on _______.

A. Sunday  B. Friday

C. Saturday

2. Tony likes _______.

 A. cards  B. birthday parties      C. flowers

3. Daming’s mother never makes _____.

A. Jiaozi  B. a birthday cake  C. noodles

4. Lingling ______ gets birthday presents.

A. always   B. sometimes     C. never


七年级英语上册Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 3 Language in use教案(外研版)

七年级英语上册Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 3 Language in use教案(外研版),外研版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.


        Task2: Reading

(Acitivity 3)

1. Let the Ss read the conversation and do Activity3 .

2. Let them check their answers.

3. Organize the students to read the conversation with the video.

4. Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation, then ask several pairs to act it out.


Task3:Language points

1. Organize three students to come to the teacher’s desk and show out some phrases and the difficult points.

2. Help the students to solve the difficult points.


Task 4: Practice

1.    Ask the students to do Activity.4 and retell it.

2. Let the students comp lete the sentences with the words from the box, then check the answers. (Activity5)    Task 2: Reading

1. Read the conversation and do Activity 3.

2. Check the answers one by one.

3. Read the conversation with the video.

4. Read the conversation in groups, then read in roles.

Task3: Language points

1. Three students come to the teacher’s desk to show out some phrases and the difficult points, the other students listen to them carefully and note them.

 2. Solve the difficult points with  the teacher’s help.

Task 4: Practice

1.    Do Activity4 individually and retell it.

2. Finish off Activity 5, then check the answers.    此环节操练学生通过细读对话,获取具体信息,而小组活动能通过学生间的自主、合作学习,巩固本节课的语言点,培养学生的语言表达能力,在表演中锻炼了学生的胆量。



 Task5:Make a survey

1. Let the Ss work in groups of three. One interviews the other two students about their birthdays .

2. Let the Ss do a report according to the information.

3. Ask three or four Ss to report their sur veys.  Let other Ss listen and choose the best reporters.


1. Work in g roups of three. One interviews the other two students about their school things. Use the questions:

  A: What do you usually do on your birthday?

B: I usually…

A: Would your friends like to come to your birthday party?

B: Yes,  they’ d like to.

A: What parents do you get from your friends?

B: I always / often/ usually get…., but I never get…

2. After finishing it they must do a report.

3. Three or four Ss  report their surveys to the class. The other Ss listen and choose the best reporters.    用本课所学的知识,在同学之间进行采访、交流、记下信息,对信息进行整理、汇报,这样既巩固了本课的重点句型,又培养了综合运用能力和自主探究能力。

    Step4 Sum up    Sum up    总结、归纳、识记    巩固课堂知识


Homework    Let the Ss finish the exercises in the paper.    Finish the exercises in the paper.    通过课后练习加强消化和掌握课堂知识。

板书设计    Moule8 Choosing presents                               小组评介:

Unit 1 I always like birthday parties.                       T1   T2    T3

1. Would you like to…?

   Yes, I’d like to. ? / Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to…

2. I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ never…


1, 整节课气氛活跃,课堂的引入自然、新颖、内容真实,老师从学生感兴趣的歌曲入手,引起学生的兴趣,图片的出现也让学生欣然接受新的知识点,师生双边关系融洽,学生能在轻松、和谐的气氛中学习英语,表现自我,感觉学习的乐趣,更能激发学习兴趣。

2. 活动设计贴近学生的经历和生活,任务设计具有明确的目的性和可操作性,任务由简到繁,由易到难,层层深入,能吸引全体学生参与。

3. 充分训练了学生的听、说、读、写能力,尤其在读写综合部分设计练习题,本环节让学生较好地从课堂操练进入课后书面练习,效果较好。

    4. 存在问题和改进措施

1)  表演、汇报的学生较积极,但口语水平有限,导致参与表演、汇报的学生面不够广,今后尽力鼓励学生大胆地多参与,并处理好分层教学,使每个学生的特长得到充分发挥。

2)  互动评价不够多元化,应进一步改进、完善。



1. Make a survey:

Names    What do you usually do on your birthday?    What presents do you get?    Would your friends like to come ?

Peter    have a birthday party, eat noodles, eat birthday cake.    a birthday cake (always),

a birthday cake (often)    Yes    



2. 用下面的句子采访你的同学:

A:What do you usually do on your birthday, Peter?

B: I usually…

A: Would your friends like to come to your birthday party?

B: Yes, they’ d like to.

A: What parents do you get from your friends?

B: I always / often/ usually get…., but I never get…

 3. Give a report and choose the best reporter. (评出最佳报告员)

 Report :

Peter usually has a birthday party, eats noodles and birthday cakes on his birthday. His friends would like to come to his party. He always gets a birthday card and he often gets a birthday cake from his birthday…



1. Tom gives me a present. (改为同义句)

  Tom _____ a present __ ___.

2. never, plays, he, games, computer (连词成句)


3. She does her homework at home.(改为否定句)

  She ______ ___ her  homework at home.

4. This Saturday is my birthday. (就划线部分提问)

  _____ __ _ your birthday?


1. 托尼通常收到一张生日贺卡。Tony ______ ____ a birthday card.

2. 他经常做蛋糕。He ____ _____ a cake.

3. 他用汉语和英语唱歌。He ____ the song in French.

4. 生日聚会怎样?_____ _____ a birthday party?

5. 我们从不举办生日聚会。We _____ ____ a birthday party.

七年级英语上册Module 9 People and places Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot教案(外研版)

七年级英语上册Module 9 People and places Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot教案(外研版),外研版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.

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