
时间:2022-6-18 作者:791650988


五年级每日一练第四天语文五年级每日一练第四天语文1. 下列对诗句所描写的季节判断有误的一项是A中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。秋B树阴满地日当午,梦觉流莺时一声。夏C六出飞花入户时,坐看青竹变琼枝。冬D忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。春数学,


1、小学英语五年级同步自主学习周测【题目】小学英语五年级同步自主学习周测【题目】时间:20 分钟满分:100 分一、选词填空。(一、选词填空。(20 分)分)Turn, get, miss, take, way, lost, farA: Excuse me. Im _. Could you tell me the _ to the post office?B: Sure._ left at the traffic lights. Then _ the third right. Go straight ahead for about10 minutes. The post office is on 。


五年级每日一练第二天五年级每日一练第二天语文语文1. 下面各组词中,完全能搭配的一组是A.磨练意志 珍爱粮食坚持真理 提高效率B.改进方法 改善生活改正缺点 改变面貌C.发扬传统 精致表演发生冲突发展生产D.感情深厚 爱护老人声音低沉 爱戴,

2、your right. You cant _ it.A: Is it _ fromhere?B: Not very far. You can _ there in 15 minutes, I think.A: Thank you so much.B:You are welcome.二、按照要求写出相对应的单词。(每类写二、按照要求写出相对应的单词。(每类写 2 个)(个)(20 分)分)(1) 季节:_ _ (2) 星期:_ _(3) 天气:_ _ (4) 月份:_ _三、根据所给的首字母填写所缺的单词,把句子补充完整,每线一词。(三、根据所给的首字母填写所缺的单词,把句子补充完整,每线一词。。

3、(30 分)分)(1) S_ is the best season to p_ trees.(2) Summer is the best season to c_ under the s_.(3)A_ is cool and windy, the boy likes c_ mountains.(4) Winter is the best season to g_ s_.四、 判断句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符,写四、 判断句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符,写“T” ,否则写,否则写“F”。 (。 (30 分)分)Judy: Miss Webb, we are going to have a bi。

4、rthday party for Daisy this Friday evening. Would youlike to come with us?Miss Webb: Yes, Id love to. Where are you going to have the party?Judy:At my home.Miss Webb: When will the party start?Judy: It will start at 8:30 p.m.Miss Webb: I will arrive at 8:25. Is that all right?Judy: Thats OK. Thank y。

5、ou, Miss Webb. What about you, Mr Chen?Could you come to the party,too?Mr. Chen: Im sorry. My friend from Canada is coming to see me on Friday evening.Judy: Thats all right. Maybe next time.() 1. It will be Daisys birthday next Friday.() 2. Both Miss Webb and Mr Chen will come the party.() 3. The party will start at eight thirty at Judys home.() 4. Miss Webb will arrive at 8:25.() 5. Mr. Chens friend from Canada will come the party, too.。

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