牛津译林英语三年级上册第三单元《Unit 3 My friends Fun&Cartoon》课件(公开课).ppt

时间:2022-8-7 作者:791650988

牛津译林英语三年级上册第五单元《Unit 5 Look at me!Letter, & Ticking》课件(公开课).ppt

,Jiangsu Oxford English 3A Unit 5 Look at me Fun time Rhyme time,Im HAPPY,Im HAPPY, Im ClapAPPY, Im ClapClapPPY Im ClapC,

《牛津译林英语三年级上册第三单元《Unit 3 My friends Fun&Cartoon》课件(公开课).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林英语三年级上册第三单元《Unit 3 My friends Fun&Cartoon》课件(公开课).ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、认真听!积极举手!大胆说!就有机会获得照片哟!,Miss Wei,Hes 他是,Liu Tao,Wang Bing,Game time,Lets play,Guess! Who is he? 他是谁?,Shes 她是,Su Hai,Miss Li,Guess! Who is she? 她是谁?,How do they introduce each other? 他们是如何介绍对方的?,Mike,Yang Ling,Shes Yang Ling.Shes my friend.,Hes Mike.Hes my friend.,Lets review,Shes. Shes my friend.,He。

牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Fun&Cartoon》课件(公开课).ppt

,Unit 6 Colours,Unit 6 Colours,Long Ting Experimental Primary School,Chen Yun 陈芸,yellow,red,blue,green,brown,black,white,

2、s. Hes my friend too.,也,在朋友卡上贴上你朋友的照片,然后在小组内介绍你的两位朋友吧!你可以用以下句型进行介绍:Shes.Shes my friend.Hes.Hes my friend too.,Introduce your friends,讨论得认真的组有机会获得合照一张哦!,你能介绍一下Sam吗?,This is Sam.这是萨姆。,This, this, this is Sam.Friend, friend, hes my friend.,Lets say,还可以说,this 这,这个,每组选择一个喜欢的人物,一起介绍一下! This, this, this is。

3、 xxx. Friend, friend, hes my friend. shes my friend.,Group work 小组活动,Whos she?她是谁?,Lets watch,Whos she ? 她是谁?,Shes _.,John Sam Tina,Tina,Lets choose,sister 姐姐;妹妹,Shes my _.,friend sister,sister,如果你是Bobby,你会介绍Tina吗?,_ Tina._my sister.,Lets think,课文中Bobby是怎么介绍的?,请你模仿Bobby的语气说一说,愉快的、 开心的,Read after the。

4、 tape, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 跟读课文,注意语音、语调。,模仿得越像越好哦!,Lets read,小组内读课文, 多练习几遍哦!,第二步Read in roles.(分角色读),第一步Read together.(齐读),Lets dub,来做小小配音员吧!,让我们玩些更有趣的吧!,Lets have more fun!,Say and Act 我是小演员!,需要的台词: Good morning, .!This is. Shes my friend.Hello/ Hi.Goodbye,.!,快速分配好角色。

5、, 和小组同学练一练吧!,回到故事,想一想,Tina为什么要跑?,Bobby为什么不害怕呢?,friends,Lets think,You will have lots of friends in your life.你的一生中将会有许多朋友。,When you have difficulties, they will help you.当你面临困难,他们会帮助你。,When you are lonely, they will accompany you.当你孤单,他们会陪伴左右。,When you are sad, they will comfort you.当你悲伤,他们会给予安慰。,A 。

6、friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。,When you are happy, they also feel happy.当你开心时,他们同样快乐。,If you were in danger, they may fight for you without hesitation.如果你有危险,他们将毫不犹豫地挺身而出。,Hope you have lots of true friends! Hope you enjoy your life!,愿你拥有更多朋友,享受愉快生活!,Goodbye, Miss Wei .,Goodbye, my friends.,Goodbye, Miss Wei.,See you next time.,Goodbye!,Lets sing,大声唱!,Homework,1.Copy the new words.抄写生词各一行。2. Read Cartoon time fluently.熟读Cartoon time。,Goodbye!,。

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