牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Story time》课件(公开课).ppt

时间:2022-8-7 作者:791650988

牛津译林英语三年级上册第二单元《Unit 2 I’m Liu Tao Story time》课件(公开课).ppt

Unit 2 Im Liu TaoPeriod 1 Story Time,sing a song,A a,B b,C c,D d,Hello,Hi,Good morning.,Good afternoon, class.,Mike,Im L,

《牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Story time》课件(公开课).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Story time》课件(公开课).ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、,Unit 6 Colours,颜色,red,Learn to say,Its . 它是红色的。,yellow,Learn to say,Its . 它是黄色的。,blue,Learn to say,Its . 它是蓝色的。,Learn to say,Its orange. 它是橙色的。,Learn to say,Its green. 它是绿色的。,Q: Who is she? 她是谁?,Q: Where is she? 她在哪里?,Yang Ling也有一个魔术秀!,Yang Ling精心打扮为演出做好了准备!,你能猜猜Yang Ling的表演道具吗?,?,?,你看见了几条裙子 ? .,Ya。

牛津译林英语三年级上册第二单元《Unit 2 I’m Liu TaoLetter, & Ticking》课件(公开课).ppt

Unit 2 Im Liu TaoLetter timeRhyme timeCheckout time,Sing a songGood morning,Lets guess 猜猜我是谁,Are you Yes, I am. No, Im n,

2、ng Lings show,有哪些颜色? 。,Yang Lings show,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),A,B,C,D,E,Watch and tick,看动画,选出看到的裙子颜色,Listen and order,1,2,3,听录音,说出杨玲裙子变色的顺序。,A,B,C,red yellow,and,和,Look at my skirt. Its _.,Look and say,Yang Lings show,orange,Listen and retell,Yang Lings show,_ _ is my skirt _?,What colour,now,What colo。

3、ur is my skirt now?,now 现在,我的短裙是什么颜色的?,Read and learn,现在,What colour is my skirt now?,Its green.,Think and fill 想想杨玲会怎么问,Yang Lings show,What colour is now?,Think and learn,my skirt,it,现在 是什么颜色的?,我的短裙,它,What colour is it now?,Its red and yellow.,Look at my skirt. Its orange.,What colour is my skirt 。

4、now ?,What colour is it now ?,Its green.,Its red and yellow.,Try to read,注意语音和语调哦!,Try to dub,给动画配音,注意配出人物的心情和语气,Welcome! 欢迎!,Task: 同桌合作练习,不要忘记交换角色,注意语音,语调,神态,还可以加上动作。练习后,请“杨玲”上台与同学们合作表演魔术!,Yang Lings show,Try to act 表演,Welcome! 欢迎!,Tips:,1. 与观众互动,2. 加入音效,Look at my skirt . Its_. What colour is my s。

5、kirt_? Its_. What _ is_ now? Its red _ yellow.,Try to fill,你能试着说一说课文吗?,Summary,1. 让别人看看你的新短裙时说: Look at my new skirt.2. 当你想询问某物品的颜色时说: What colour is it? 你想说它是绿色的: Its green.3. 八种颜色类单词: red orange green yellow blue black white brown,Colours make our world beautiful! 色彩让我们的世界更美丽!,自然美景欣赏:,Magic colour。

6、s神奇的颜色,+,+,Whats the trick? 窍门是什么?,+,?,+,+,Have a try 自己动手试试,+,?,?,+,?,Omework:,Listen,read the story then try to recite. 听录音,熟读故事然后背一背。,2.Play the clothes magic with your friends or parents. 和朋友或父母玩一玩衣物”小魔板“。,3. Make a turntable of fun time. 参照P40做一个转盘。,Thank you!Goodbye!,1.画一个圆2.分成四份3.画上衣服4.剪下来,1.画一个大圆2.分成八份,3.涂八种颜色4.剪下来,1.把两个圆重叠在一起2.做一个指针3.用大头针钉起来,Lets play !,Look at my skirt. What colour is it?,1,2,3,4,Look at my skirt. What colour is it now?,Look at my . What colour is it?,1,2,3,4,Look at m。

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