牛津译林英语三年级上册第八单元《Unit 8 Happy Story time》课件(公开课).ppt

时间:2022-8-7 作者:791650988

牛津译林英语三年级上册第六单元《Unit 6 Colours Story time》课件(公开课).ppt

,Unit 6 Colours,颜色,red,Learn to say,Its . 它是红色的。,yellow,Learn to say,Its . 它是黄色的。,blue,Learn to say,Its . 它是蓝色的。,Learn t,

《牛津译林英语三年级上册第八单元《Unit 8 Happy Story time》课件(公开课).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林英语三年级上册第八单元《Unit 8 Happy Story time》课件(公开课).ppt(64页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Unit8 Happy New Year!,The first period (Story time),Learning aims!学习目标,1. We can say “Happy New Year!” 我们能说“新年快乐!”2. We are happy to give gifts by saying “This is for you.” 我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。”3. We know how to celebrate a holiday. 我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。,a red packet,New Year,Happy New Year!,Happy New Year!,Lear。

牛津译林英语三年级上册第二单元《Unit 2 I’m Liu TaoLetter, & Ticking》教案(公开课).doc

三上Unit 2 Im Liu TaoLetter, Ticking教案1教学目标1. 能听懂会读会说会写字母EeFfGg。2. 能有感情地诵读歌谣Are you Mike。3. 能熟练运用句型Im Are you Yes, I am.No,

2、ning aims!学习目标,1. We can say “Happy New Year!” 我们能说“新年快乐!”,2. We are happy to give gifts by saying “This is for you.” 我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。”3. We know how to celebrate a holiday. 我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。,Happy New Year!,Happy New Year!,Tips: 用英语向他人表达节日问候,可以让我们感受到学习英语的乐趣和成就。,Ticking time!,Happy New Year!,gifts,CD,dol。

3、l,A: This is for you.,B: Thank you.,for给,car,This is for you.,all,b_,Whats that?,Whats that?,Whats that?,Whats that?,Whats that?,1. It is a toy. 2. It looks like a man. 3. It can help us to do things. (做事情),Lets guess!,go,no,ro,hot,not,bot,Lets chant!,This, this, whats this?Robot, robot, its a robot。

4、.For you, for you, this is for you.,This, this, whats this? _, _, its a _. For you, for you, its for you.,its for you.,A: Happy New Year, XXX!B: Happy New Year, XXX! A: This is for you. Thisis for you. Its for you.B: Thank you.,Learning aims!学习目标,1. We can say “Happy New Year!” 我们能说“新年快乐!”3. We know。

5、 how to celebrate a holiday. 我们知道如何庆祝一个节日。,2. We are happy to give gifts by saying “This is for you.” 我们乐于赠礼并说“这是给你的。”,Ticking time!,Story time!,Uncle John叔叔,1.Listen and tick! (Uncle John 都带来了哪些礼物呢?),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),This is for,2.Read and match!(自读课文,礼物都分别送给了谁?),Is the gift nice? (这个礼物好看吗?),3.E。

6、njoy the flash.(欣赏动画),Tips: 在西方国家收到礼物时需要道谢并拆开礼物,然后对礼物表示赞扬。试着做个有礼貌的人!,Is the gift nice? (这个礼物好看吗?),Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调),Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调),Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调),Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调),Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调),Lets read!(注意模仿语音语调),Other holidays?,其他节日?,Holiday greetings(节日问候),2. A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas!,1. A: Happy New Year! B: Happy New year!,3. A: Happy Birthday! B: Thank you.,4. A:Happy Childrens Day! B: Happy Childrens Day!,Learning aims!学习目标,1. We can say “Happy New Year!” 我们能说“新年快乐。

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