牛津译林英语三年级上册第四单元《Unit 4 My family Story time》课件(公开课).ppt

时间:2022-8-7 作者:791650988

牛津译林英语三年级上册第二单元《Unit 2 I’m Liu TaoFun&Cartoon》教案(公开课).doc

三上Unit 2 Im Liu TaoFunCartoon教案1教学目标知识目标:1. 学生能听懂会说会读会运用句型:Dont Whats this Its 2. 学生初步了解一般疑问句的基本结构Is 3.学生能听懂会读会说拓展单词litt,

《牛津译林英语三年级上册第四单元《Unit 4 My family Story time》课件(公开课).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林英语三年级上册第四单元《Unit 4 My family Story time》课件(公开课).ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在上搜索。

1、Unit 4 My family(story time),This is my school.,27,This is my friend.Shes Apple.,This is my daughter.Shes Cici.,请介绍你的同学给Miss Huang认识吧!可以用以下的句型哦!,Hello,Miss Huang.This is my friend.ShesHes,Lets listen,Whats the song about? 这是一首关于什么的歌呢?,I can read,father 爸爸,mother 妈妈,brother哥哥;弟弟,sister姐姐;妹妹,me 我,fami。



2、ly家;家庭,Can you guess ?,猜一猜是谁?,Hes my fathers father. 爸爸的,grandfather,grandpa,Shes my fathers mother.,grandmother,grandma,Chant:,Father, father , this is my father.Mother, mother , this is my mother.Brother, brother, this is my brother.Sister, sister, this is my sister.Me ,me, this is me.,Chant:,Fath。

3、er, father , this is my father.Mother, mother , this is my mother.Brother, brother, this is my brother.Sister, sister, this is my sister.Me ,me, this is me.,想了解Mike的家庭吗?让我们看动画吧。要仔细观看,回答下面的问题哦!,There are _people in Mikes family? 麦克家有多少成员呢? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6,This is my family,father,brother,sister,m。

4、e,mother,There are _people in Mikes family? 麦克家有多少成员呢? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6,I can answer,刚才同学们表现很棒!让我们再观看一遍动画,找出以下问题的答案吧!,Mikes brother is_. 麦克弟弟的名字是Mikes sister is_.,I can answer,Mikes brother is_. 麦克弟弟的名字是Mikes sister is_.,Helen,Tim,Tim,Tim,this is Tim.,Helen,Helen,this is Helen.,Tips:人的名字前面是不加my的哦。

5、!,I can read,This is my family.,Unit 4 My family,2.This is my mother.,3.This is Tim.,Hes my brother.,4.This is Helen.,Shes my sister.,1.This is my father.,5.This is me.,Hi, Mikes family!,Family tree,1. Tim is Helens brother.,2. have one child(一个孩子).,3. is Helens grandma .,4. Tims grandpa.,isnt,is,Re。

6、ad and judge,2. have three children.,I can read,全班齐读课文,小组内齐读课文,小组内互相读,挑战难度,挑战方式,你会读课文了吗? 现在就让我们挑战下自己吧! 比比谁读的最棒! 准备好了吗?,需要Miss Huang帮助的话可以举手哦!,I can dub,大家读的太棒了!这次让我们一起当麦克的“小小配音员”吧!,I can act,现在请你来扮演Mike介绍家人吧!请先看Miss Huang的示范。你有一分钟时间准备。,Hello, Im Mike.This is my family.This is,别忘了加上表情和动作哦!,Retell this text (复述课文),Hello, Im Mike. This is . This is my . And this is my . I love(爱) my father and my mother. This _ Tim. Hes my . Look, this is . Shes my . Shes a student.(学生) I love my brother and my sis。

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