九年级英语全册Unit 6 When was it invented grammar focus课件(人教新目标版)

时间:2020-9-23 作者:791650988

九年级英语全册Unit 6 When was it invented Self-check课件(人教新目标版)

九年级英语全册Unit 6 When was it invented Self-check课件(人教新目标版),人教版九年级英语上册课件,莲山课件.

Unit 6

When was it invented?

Section A 3

Grammar Focus~4c

I. 按要求写出下列单词或短语

1. rule (名词) __________

2. near (副词) __________

3. nation (形容词)  _________

4. 偶然; 意外地 ____________

5. 发生 _____________

6. 毫无疑问; 的确 ______________

7. 跌落 _________

Complete the following sentences.

1. 拉链是什么时候被发明的?

          ______ _____ the zipper ________?

2. 它于1893年被发明。

          It ______ _________ in 1893.

3. 它是由谁发明的?

     ______ _____ it invented ______?

4. 是由惠特科姆•贾得森发明的。

     It ____ _________ ___ Whitcomb Judson.

5. 茶叶什么时候被带到朝鲜的?

     ______ ____ tea _________ to Korea?

6. 是在六到七世纪之间被带到朝鲜的。

    It _____ _______ to Korea ________the 6th and 7th centuries.

九年级英语全册Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to Section A(3a-3c)课件(人教新目标版)

九年级英语全册Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to Section A(3a-3c)课件(人教新目标版),人教版九年级英语上册课件,莲山课件.

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