七年级英语上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball单元教案(人教新目标版)

时间:2020-9-16 作者:791650988

七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period1SectionA(1a_1c)教案(人教新目标版)

七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period1SectionA(1a_1c)教案(人教新目标版),人教版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?






采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Discussion and guessClassifying的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、画纸和蜡笔等来展开课堂Pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动,使用have对物品的所属进行提问及回答。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取演示讲解的方式进行教学,让学生进行情景操练、反复使用;口语教学——采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动互相操练练习;阅读教学——让学生学会抓住主要词汇和句型;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填空、造词为主;语法教学——总结规律、模仿操练。



Section A (1a-2d) 1课时

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 1课时

Section B (1a-2c) 1课时

Section B (3a-Self Check) 1课时


Section A1 (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握下列词汇:do (does), have, tennis, ball, ping-pong, bat, soccer, soccer ball, basketball, let, us, let’s go, we, late, has, get

2) 学会用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,学会使用dodoes引导的一般疑问句:

① —Do you have a baseball?   

Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

② —Does she/he have a tennis ball?  

Yes, she/he does./ No, she/he doesn’t. 

③ —Do they have a soccer ball?   

Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.

3) 学会用Let’s… 提建议。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 通过运用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,来掌握一些运动项目的词汇。

2) 在询问对方是否有某物的对话中学会使用dodoes引导的一般疑问句。


2. 教学难点:

学会使用第三人称单数的一般疑问句Does …?及回答做对话。


. Presentation

1. Present the key vocabulary.

(Show a basketball to the class.)

T: What’s this in English?

S1: It’s a basketball.

T: Yes, you are right. Read after me. B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L, basketball.

Ss: B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L, basketball.

(Show the students other objects. Teach the new words “soccer ball, ping-pong ball, volleyball, tennis bat, ping-pong bat” in the same way.)

T: Read the words together twice.

Ss: …

2. Look at the words in 1a and match the words with the things in the picture.

T: Number 1 is (a), tennis ball. What’s Number 2 Match them.

Ask one student to show the answers and check them.

3. Present the key structure.

Present these questions and answers.

(Point to a student who has a pencil box.)

T: Do you have a pencil box?

S1: Yes, I do. (Nod your head yes)

T: (Ask S2) Does she have a pencil box?

S2: (Help S2 answer) Yes, she does.

T: Do you have a basketball?

S1: No, I don’t. (Shake your head no)

T: (Ask S2) Does she have a basketball?

S2: (Help S2 answer) No, she doesn’t.

Practice the drill “Do you have a …?”, “Does he/she have a…? ” in pairs. You can use

your school things and these balls. Look at the model, then practice like this.


S1: Do you have a basketball?

S2: Yes, I do.

S3: Dose she have a basketball?

S4: Yes, she does.

S1: Do you have a soccer ball?

S1: No, I don’t.

S3: Dose she have a soccer ball?

S4: No, she doesn’t.

(Students work in pairs.)

II. Listening

T: Look at the four items of 1b in the pictures. Listen to the conversation.

(Play the recording of 1b the first time. Students only listen.)

T: Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear.

(Play the recording again.)

T: Check their answers.

S1: … S2…

III. Pair work

1. Read the conversations in 1c. (Ask students to repeat.)

2. Look at the picture in 1a and practice the conversation with each other in pairs.

S1: Do you have …?

S2: Yes, I do.

S1: Do you have a …?

S2: No, I don’t.

3. Work in groups of four and use the picture to practice the similar conversations with the new words. (basketball, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball, computer, ping-pong bat, baseball)

T: Ask and answer the questions as many as you can.

S1: Do you have a … ?

S2: …

S1: …

S2: …

IV. Listening

1. T: Look at the pictures in 2b and name them. What are these?

(Point at the baseball, basketball, soccer ball, volleyball.)

Ss: They are…

T: There are four children in the conversations. Who are they? Please listen and find the answer.

(Play the recorder for the first time.)

S: …

T: I’ll play the recorder for the second time. Listen and number the pictures (1-4).

(Students listen for the second time.)

T: Listen to the conversation in 2b. Match the people with the balls.

(Students listen and match. Teacher checks their answer.)

V. Pair work

1. T: Let’s look at the picture in 2a. Does Jane have a tennis ball?

S1: No, she doesn’t.

T: Does Paul have a soccer ball?

S2: No, he doesn’t.

T: Does his brother have a soccer ball?

S2: Yes, he does.

(Ask more students to make a conversation.)

T: Make conversations with things in the picture.

S: …

2. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

VI. Presentation

(Show a soccer ball to class.)

T: Let’s play soccer ball after class, OK?

S1: OK.

T: Let’s play ping-pong.

S2: OK.

T: We often use the drill “Let’s…” to make a suggestion. If you want to do it, you may say “OK. / That sounds good. / All right …” If you don’t want to do it, you may say “No, I don’t have a …”

(The teacher writes the drill on the backboard.)

A: Let’s play…

B: No, I don’t have a …

A: Well, let’s play baseball.

B: OK. Let’s go.

Ss read the conversation and try to remember them.

 VII. Role-play

1. Cindy and Helen want to play baseball. Now read the conversation and match the things with their right places.

    baseball                on the chair

baseball bat                in Cindy’s bag

Cindy’s jacket          Bill has it.

2. Read the conversation after the teacher.

3. Practice the conversation with your partner.

4. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)

VIII. Explanation

1. have作动词,意为,一般指某人拥有某物,侧重于所属关系。其第三人称单数形式是has

    常用句式为:某人 + have/has + 某物,表示某人有某物


e.g. I have a good friend.   我有一个好朋友。

        She has a new pen.   她有一支新钢笔。   

2. late “迟到是个形容词,常用 be late 的结构。

    e.g. Jack is always late. 杰克总是迟到。              

3. we是人称代词主格,意为我们,在句子中作主语。如:

    We are good friends.   我们是好朋友。

    We have a new soccer ball.  我们有一个新足球。

4. us  我们”,  we的宾格形式,在句子中放在介词或动词后作宾语。

   【辨析】we / us / our

    we “我们是人称代词主格形式,作句子的主语。

    us “我们是人称代词宾格形式,作句子的宾语。

    our “我们的是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前。

e.g. We are in Mike’s room.   我们在迈克的房间里。

Call us at 457-3287.     给我们打电话457-3287

Our teacher is in the classroom. 我们的老师在教室里。

5. 以动词let开头的祈使句,表示向别人提建议,意思是让……做……吧

    基本结构为:let sb. do sth.,表示让某人做某事,表示说话人的建议。其中sb.


    Let me do it.   让我来做吧。

    Let him guess.  让他猜一猜。

6. let’slet us 的缩写形式,意为咱们一起做某事吧,通常表示建议、请求或命令。

   肯定回答:一般用“OK”“All right”“Yes, let’s …”

   否定回答:一般用“Sorry, I …” 。如:

    — Let’s go! 让我们走吧!

    — OK. 好吧。

    Let’s look at the blackboard.


IX. Exercises


1. 复习记忆本课所学的生词。

2. 编写三个问答句:

    分别询问一下你的朋友有basketball, soccer ballvolleyball吗?


Section A  (Grammar Focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 进一步学习通过运用have对物品的所属进行提问以及应答。

2) 继续学会dodoes引导的一般疑问句,理解并掌握英语句子中的人称和数,掌握并熟练运用下列句型。

① —Do you have a baseball?   

Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

② —Does she/he have a tennis ball?  

Yes, she/he does./ No, she/he doesn’t. 

③ —Do they have a soccer ball?  

Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.

3) Let’s…句型来提建议。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 总结dodoes引导的一般疑问句及其回答语

2) 在实际生活情景中能正确运用所学的句型谈论自己或他人所拥有的东西。

3) 理解并掌握英语句子中的人称与数,让学生牢记第三人称单数。

2. 教学难点:

1) 在实际生活情景中能正确运用Do…?Does…?句型谈论自己或他人所拥有的东西。

2) 理解并掌握英语句子中的人称与数,让学生牢记第三人称单数。


. Revision

Let the Ss work in groups (each group has three Ss). Review the sentence structures we

have learned.

 S1: Do you have a basketball?

   S2: Yes, I do.

   S1: Does she have a basketball?

 S3: Yes, she does.

   S1: Do you have a tennis bat?

   S3: No, I don’t.

   S1: Does he have a tennis bat?

   S2: No, he doesn’t.


. Grammar Focus

1. Read Grammar Focus and finish off these sentences.

① 你有一个棒球吗?____ you _____ a baseball?

② 是的。___, I ____. 不,没有。_____, I ______.

③ 你有一个乒乓拍吗? ____ you _____ a ping-pong _____?

④ 没有。我有一个乒乓球。_____, I ______. I _____ a ping-pong _______.

⑤ 她有一个网球吗? ____ she _____ a tennis?

⑥ 是,她有。没有。她有一个棒球。

_____, she _________. ____, she ________. She ____ a ______.

⑦ 他有一个足球吗?_____ he _____ a _____ ball?

⑧ 没有。他有两个乒乓球拍。 ____, he ________. He ____ two ping-pong ______.

⑨ 他们有一个篮球吗?___ they _____ a basketball?

⑩ 是的,有。没有。他们有一个排球。  

Yes, _____ _____. ____, they ______. They ______ a ________.


    do not = ________  does not = ______

we are = ______    let us = ________.

2. Summary

1) have意为“有”,表示某人所有某物。have在句子中有两种形式,即havehashave用于第一人称(I, we)、第二人称(you)以及第三人称复数(they)和其他复数名词;而has则用于第三人称单数(he, she, it)和单数名词。如:

I have an apple. 我有一个苹果。

Mary has an orange. 玛丽有一个桔子。

2) have/has句子的一般疑问句是在句首加助动词dodoes,句尾用问号构成。除第三人称单数前用does外,其他都用do。第三人称单数前加does后,句中的谓语动词has应改为have。作简略回答时,肯定回答为:“Yes, 主语 + do/does.”,否定回答为:“No, 主语 + don’t/doesn’t.”

.  Writing 

1. 指导:英语句子中的人称和数







七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period2SectionA(2a_3c)教案(人教新目标版)

七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period2SectionA(2a_3c)教案(人教新目标版),人教版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.









, Eric





, Linda

















他们, 她们,它们



2. Ss discuss with their partner and fill in the chart.

3. Check the answers.

IV. Practice

1. 指导:实义动词的一般疑问句结构。

① 当主语是第一人称/第二人称/第三人称复数时, 句型结构为:Do + you/they/we/… + 动词原形 + …? 不管用什么动词,它的回答是固定的。

肯定回答:Yes, I/they /we … do.

否定回答:No, I /they/we … don’t.

② 当主语是第三人称单数时(she, he, it, Linda, Bob及名词的单数形式an apple), 句型结构为:Does + she/he/it/…+ 动词原形 + … ? 不管用什么动词,它的回答是固定的。

肯定回答:Yes, she/he/it … does.

否定回答:No, she/he/it … doesn’t.

2. Notes: 

play + 球类 意为“玩、打……”play soccer, play volleyball, play basketball, play ping-pong

That sounds good. 那听起来不错。 sound 连系动词,“听起来”,后跟形容词。

       That sounds great. 那听起来很棒。

3. Ss complete the conversations with their partner.

4. Check the answers with the class. (Let some pairs read the conversation)

4. Ss practice the conversation with their partner then act out the dialogue.

V. Game (Remembering game)

1. T: Look! This is Bob’s room. He has many things. Look at the things in his room for three minutes. Then close your books and ask and answer questions with your partner.

2. Model:

   S1: Does he have a soccer ball?

   S2: Yes, he does.

 S1: Does he have a computer game?

   S2: Yes, he does.

 S1: No, he doesn’t. You’re wrong.

(Then S2 ask S1)

    S2: Does he have a volleyball?

    S1: Yes, he does. …

VI. Exercises





Section B  (1a-2c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 掌握下列词汇: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch TV, student, sport, play sports, to, same, love, with, them, only, like, easy, after, class, classmate

2) 会用句型Let’s… 来提建议。

3) 能用所学的形容词来表达自己对某项运动项目的看法。

   That sounds …

4) 阅读有关体育用品收藏的小短文,并能获得相关信息。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

通过阅读有关运动的文章和对话, 使学生更加热爱体育活动并培养一种适合自己的体育爱好。


1. 教学重点:

1) 学会用Let’s… 提建议,并能够谈论自己对某球类运动的简单看法。

2) 引导学生进行听力和口语交际训练,来逐步学会用Let’s… 提建议。

3) 引导学生进行阅读训练,来掌握行为动词一般现在时的肯定句、否定句的结构,尤其是单三形式的变化。

2. 教学难点:



. Revision

 Review the expressions and sentence structures we have learned.

. Presentation

   1. (Show the picture which a boy is doing an interesting thing on the screen.)

     Learn the new words, interesting

(Show other pictures on the screen) learn the new words: boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, easy, in the same way

 2. (Show some activity pictures on the screen)

     Learn the new phrases: “watch TV”, “go to the same school”, “love soccer”, “after class” and “play sports” 

 3. (Show some pictures of students on the screen)

     Learn the new words “student”, “classmate”

4. Let Ss read the new words and phrases and try to remember them.

5. Read the words in 1a. (Point to the five words in 1a and ask students to repeat each one.)

Ss: interesting, fun, relaxing, boring, difficult.

(Let some Ss explain the Chinese meaning of them.)

Then match each picture with one of the words.

(Point to the five pictures and ask students to match them.)

Check the answers. 

. Listening

1. Next we’ll listen to a conversation. Here are two boys in the conversation. What do they want to do? Listen. 

(Play the recording the first time.) (For the first time, students only listen.)

2. Listen again and check the words you hear in 1a. (Play the recording again.)

3. Check the answers.

4. Practice in recognizing specific vocabulary words in conversation and in writing them. First, listen to the recording in 1b. What does Paul say about the activities?

(Point to the blanks where the students write their answers.) (Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.)

T: Listen to the conversation and write a word from 1a in each blank. (Play the recording again.)

T: Check the answers.

S: …

.  Pair work

1. T: Act out the conversation in 1c in pairs. You are Paul. Your partner is Paul’s friend, Jenny. Talk about the activities in 1c.

S1: Let’s play computer games.

S2: That sounds interesting but…

S1: …

S2: …

2. Let some pairs act out the conversation in front of the class.

V. Writing

 1. Find the sports words in the unit. Write them in the correct column.

 2. Make a report to your partner first.

   S1: I have a soccer ball, a volleyball, two tennis balls, three ping-pong bat…

      I don’t have a basketball, a tennis bat, a baseball bat…

 3. Exchange the chart with your partner. Report your partner’s sports equipment.

   S2: He has a soccer ball, a volleyball, two tennis balls, three ping-pong bat…

      He doesn’t have a basketball, a tennis bat, a baseball bat…

VI. Reading  

1. Our school magazine made a survey about sports collection. This is the survey results. Read the passage and answer the question:

    Who has a soccer ball?

2. Ss read the passage quickly and find the answer to the question.

3. Check the answer. Let some students say their answer and say why?

(指导:在读短文时,应重点抓住soccer ball,通过对比文中的信息,从而轻松地就能知道答案。)

VII. Reading

1. Now let’s work on 2c.

   Who do you think says these sentences? Check () F for Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei.

Read the passage carefully and check the right person.

2. Ss read the passage carefully and discuss with their partner.

3. 指导:先读懂试题中每句话的意思,然后在短文中找和题目中句子意思相同或相近的句子,比如not easy意为difficult。 最后,再看这是对谁的调查,便能确认正确的人物。

4. Check the answers with the class.

VIII. Explanation

1. I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does.


   句中的doesdo的第三人称单数形式。此处用do来代替上文出现过的动词或动词词组,以避免重复。在本句中,does代替上文出现过的have a soccer ball。如:

Jack doesn’t play volleyball, but his sister does.

杰克不打排球, 但他的姐姐打。

Linda have a baseball bat, but I don’t.

琳达有一个棒球拍, 但是我没有。

2. love 是动词, 意为喜欢;喜爱”,   like 的程度深。常见的结构为:

    love + sth. / sb. 意为喜爱物/ 

    e.g. He loves his mother. 他爱他的母亲。

        Love me, love my dog.  ()爱屋及乌。

3. watch … on TV 表示在电视上看…… (节目)”, 其中watch观看; 注视”,

    观看其行为动作, 跟踪其运动目标, 监视之意, 侧重于场面过程。

    on TV是固定短语, 意为在电视上。 如:

    She often watches football matches on TV. 她经常在电视上看足球比赛。

4. like作动词, 意为喜欢

    用法: 后跟名词或代词, 表示对某一事物的兴趣或爱好。

   : I like English. 我喜欢英语。

      The coat is nice. I like it. 这件外套很好看。我喜欢它。

5. easy是形容词, 意为容易的; 不费力的”, 其反义词是difficult。常用结构:

    sth. is easy/difficult for sb. 对某人来说某事是容易的/困难的。

    e.g. English is difficult for her.  对她来说英语很难。

       Basketball is easy for me.   对我来说篮球很容易。

6. after school 意为放学后”, after在句中作介词, 意为……以后。如:

    After school, I go home with my sister. 放学后, 我和姐姐回家。

    We plays games sometimes after class. 下课后, 我们有时玩游戏。

IX. Exercises



2. Review 2b. Try to retell the passage.


Section B  (3a-Self Check) 


1. 语言知识目标:


2)进一步练习运Do … ? Does … 一般疑问句及回答做对话。



2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:



2. 教学难点:

引导学生运动所学的行为动词一般现在时的一般疑问句及否定句结构,进行一些 写作的练习


I. Writing

 1. Let’s work on 3a. This is a survey chart. You have to write some more questions about sports equipment in the chart. Using the sentence structure “Do you have a…?”.

  2. Ss write three or more questions about sports equipment.

 e.g. Do you have a basketball?

Do you have a baseball bat?

Do you have a ping-ping bat?

Do you have a volleyball?

II. Survey

   Now exchange books with your partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a.

   You can only check () of the answers.

III. Writing

1. Look at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but.

    Ss read the first two sentences and try to write their own sentences according to 3a.

2. 指导:


② 同学们注意否定的结构:I don’t have…;   He/She doesn’t have … 

3. Ss write their own sentences then report their sentences to their partner.

4. Ask some Ss report their sentences to the class.

IV. Self Check 1

1. Do you like sports? We like some sports very much, but we don’t like other sports. We think some sports are very easy, but we think other sports are very difficult.

For me, I love basketball. It’s interesting and easy.

I don’t love baseball. It’s boring and difficult.

What’s your opinion? Now list all the sports you know. Discuss with your partner and write what you think of them.

2. First Ss list all the sports they know. Then discuss with their partner and write what they think of them.

(interesting, boring, fun, difficult, easy…)

3. Ask some Ss report their lists to the class.

V. Self Check 2

1. Let’s work on Self Check 2. Look at the chart. Here are some short conversations, but the questions are missing. Read the answers then think about the questions. Then write down the questions.

2. 指导:应根据答语中的人称和数来确定问题的人称和数,还要根据答语中提示的事物来确定问题中的事物。例如:在第一题的答语中,答语是yes,可知上一句是一般疑问句;再由下一句my mom has a baseball bat,可知问句的主语是your mom,所问的事物是baseball bat

因此可确定问句是:Does your mom have a baseball bat? 其它与此问题思考过程相同。

3. Ss think and write their own sentences. 

4. Ask some Ss write their sentences on the blackboard.

5. Check the answers.

VI. Exercises





 don’t have




my brother

soccer ball

    baseball bat

my sister

ping-pong ball

    tennis ball

I have a basketball, but I don’t …

七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period3SectionB(1a_1e)教案(人教新目标版)

七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Period3SectionB(1a_1e)教案(人教新目标版),人教版七年级英语上册教案,英语教案,莲山课件.

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