
时间:2020-8-10 作者:791650988


甘肃省庆阳市宁县第二中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试物理试题(PDF版,无答案) ,甘肃省,庆阳市,宁县第二中学,高一下物理期末,莲山课件.



 (Text 1)

M: I wish I had left my wallet at home. But I’m sure I put it in my back pocket.

W: Oh no, it’s so easy for a thief to take it from there. You should put your money in your breast pocket.

(Text 2)

W: You look pleased with yourself. What’s happened?

M: I’m having a poem published in a new book.

W: Congratulations!

(Text 3)

W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I want to borrow a reference book. But I can’t find it.

W: Try the card catalog.

(Text 4)

M: I heard you married. How did you meet your husband? Did you use the Internet as I told you?

W: No, I posted an ad in the newspaper. There were dozens of e-mail responses. But it wasn’t until my friend introduced him to me that I found my Mr Right.

(Text 5)

M: Most of the world’s rainforests are in danger of destruction by farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute!

W: Yeah, many plants and animals exist only in rainforests.

M: We really need to save the beautiful rainforests.

(Text 6)

M: Jenny, wait up!

W: So what did you think of the professor’s lecture?

M: 6I think most of what he said just went over my head.

W: That’s all right. A lot of what he said is explained in the reading.

M: Hey, 7would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over?

W: No problem. We don’t have class until Wednesday. Here you go.

M: Thanks. I just want to make sure I’m prepared for the discussion.

W: Yeah, participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.

(Text 7)

W: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party.

M: That’s good. Now what should we do?

W: 8We’ve got to plan the menu.

M: Oh. That’s right. Do you have anything in mind?

W: I think I’m going to make the chicken salad we had at the party. Remember I asked the chef for the recipe?

M: Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesn’t eat chicken?

W: Linda? Oh, my gosh. 9I forgot to invite Linda! She’ll be mad at me.

M: Well, everyone is gonna forget something sometimes. It’s not late yet. I’ll make a phone call. Don’t worry.

W: Thanks! You see, I think I’m getting old!

M: Looks like you are, sweetheart.

W: Thank you.

(Text 8)

M: Morning, Julia. 10Did you go to the cinema last night?

W: 10Yes, it was a good film. But the strangest thing happened when I got home.

M: What?

W: Well, when I got home, I came up the stairs and started to put my key in the door. 11And I heard a noise in my flat. I thought it was a thief.

M: So what did you do?

W: I ran into the street and phoned the police from the phone box on the corner. They came very quickly. But while they were walking up the stairs, my door opened. I thought: Oh, no. But it wasn’t a thief.

M: Who was it?

W: 12It was Karl. You know, who sits next to me in the office.

M: How did he get in?

W: The gatekeeper let him in.

(Text 9)

W: Hello. I’m doing a survey of work and leisure time. Can I ask you some questions?

M: Yeah, all right.

W: How many hours a week do you normally work?

M: 14I work about … oh, about fifty hours a week.

W: So, how much free time do you have?

M: Oh. About … can I think about this for a moment? … Yeah, about thirty hours.

W: Thirty hours. And how do you spend your free time?

M: Well, 15I spend about two hours a day watching TV, so what’s that?

W: About fourteen hours a week? And how do you spend the rest of your free time?

M: I don’t know … I probably spend about more than an hour a day talking to family or friends.

W: So, about ten hours?

M: Yeah. That sounds about right. Then I spend about, maybe, 16three hours a week reading … and the rest of the time? I probably spend the rest of the time doing nothing at all.

(Text 10)

W: 17A recent art exhibition in Florida honoured the animal often seen as man’s most intelligent friend, the dolphin. 18The exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized dolphin paintings made of wood and other materials. The dolphins were shown at area businesses and along the beach. Organizers paid $750 to cover the artists’ fees and the cost of the materials.

19There were about 100 dolphin themes. They showed the works of local artists, as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famous for. Probably the most unique was its artist, Pandora. 20Pandora, the dolphin painter, is a real dolphin, at the Dolphin Research Centre. The playful artist streaks colours across a dolphin painting, holding a brush in its mouth. The exhibition will be held by the Monroe Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international arts center.


1. B    2. C    3. B    4. C   5. A   6. C     7. A  8. B    9. A   10. A  

11. B   12. B   13. C 14. C   15. B  16. A    17. A  18. C   19. A   20. B


21-23 A DC


24-27 DACB

24D.细节理解题.根据文章第一段 Being overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in lifeIt will only slow you down and hinder(阻碍)your career goals在家里和工作中过度劳累或过度投入不会让你达到你想要的生活目标,只会减缓你的速度,阻碍你的职业目标,可知他们倾向于超越自己能力的极限;故选D

25A.细节理解题.根据文章第三段 It’s also the age range when many women are trying to balance careers and homeOne reason women may feel exhausted is that they have a hard timesaying “no”Women want to be able to do it all volunteer for school parties or cook delicious meals and so their answer to any request is often “YesI can这也是许多女性试图平衡事业和家庭的年龄范围.女性感到疲惫的一个原因是她们很难接受,说.女性希望能够自愿参加学校聚会或做美味的饭菜,所以她们对任何要求的回答通常是是的,我可以,可知育龄妇女感到身心疲惫因为她们努力满足工作和家庭的需要;故选A

26C.细节理解题.根据文章倒数第二段resulting in a dispute over who should be the one to fix itMen are more likely to face that dispute from the perspective of what benefits them mostwhereas women may approach the same dispute from the perspective of what’s the easiest and quickest way to resolve the problem导致了一场关于谁来解决的争论,男人更倾向于从什么对他们最有利的角度来面对这场争论,而女人则可能从什么是解决问题的最简单和最快捷的方法的角度来处理同样的争论,可知男性和女性在解决职场冲突的方法上存在差异因为男人往往把个人利益放在第一位;故选C

27B.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段Leaders have to be able to delegate and manage resources wisely –including staff expertiseShouldering more of the workload may not earn you that promotion领导者必须能够明智地委派和管理资源,包括员工的专业知识.承担更多的工作量可能不会给你带来提升,可知对一个好的领导者来说知人善用的能力是重要的;故选B





28-31 CDBA


28. C推理判断题。武汉封城于123日,父母住院是在封城的第9天,故应该是131日。

29. D词义猜测题。因为病毒易感染老年人,故作者很担心父母能否活下来去拍全家福。

30. B 事实细节题。从第六段第二句Most of the patients were really understanding可知大多数病人能理解医护人员。

31. A. 推理判断题。从第五段最后一句I could see how tired they were when I looked into their bloodshot eyes第六段第一句They would work a whole day preparing for new patients and seemed incredibly apologetic for not having everything that was needed.和第二句but all the doctors and nurses tried their best to deal with it in a calming way.以及最后一段最后一句可知作者对这些医护人员是由衷敬佩的。



陕西省西安市高新第一中学2019-2020学年第二期期末考试高一物理试题(图片版无答案) ,陕西省,西安市,高新第一中学,高一下物理期末,莲山课件.


32-35 DBCA

32. D 主旨大意题。通读全文内容可知,文章主要论述的是如何解决校园里发生的矛盾和冲突的问题。

33. B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句以及该段所举的例子可知,很小的一件冲突可能会演变成一次暴力事件。

34C 细节理解题。根据第五段第三句和该段倒数第二句可知,学生们问完自己这几个问题,可能就会搞清楚真正的问题是什么。

35A 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句可知,自从实施了矛盾冲突的解决方案以后,亚特兰大的校园暴力事件呈现下降的趋势。


36-40 CDBGE

36C.推理判断题.句意:但是,行动往往胜于雄辩.根据上文You may be able to answer all of the questions the interviewer throws at youand show a wealth of knowledge about the company in question. 可知,您也许可以回答面试官向您提出的所有问题,并展示出有关该公司的丰富知识.故选C

37D.推理判断题.句意:因此有必要控制我们的肢体语言.根据上文The way we present ourselves during an interview may betray our actual abilities. 可知,我们在面试中表现自己的方式可能会背离我们的实际能力.故选 D

38B.推理判断题.句意:稳定的握手很重要.根据下文A limp handshake may lead to assumptions of disinterest and weaknesswhereas an overly strong one may come off as aggressive or pushy


39G.推理判断题.句意:当您出现负面表情时,面试官会很生气.根据上文A negative facial expression.可知,本段主要讲述了负面的表情.故选G

40. E.推理判断题.句意:不断盯着你对面的人不是一个好主意.根据上文Casting your eyes down for the duration of an interview is something interviewers agree they hate.可知,在面试过程中,视线低落是面试官一致讨厌的事情.故选E




41-45 DABCA  46-50 BACAD  51-55 BCABD  56-60 CDBDC


41D 根据后面的other things可知,这里表示转折关系。

42Adraw my attention的意思是“吸引我的注意力”,即当我长成少年,其他一些事情吸引了我的注意力。

43B 根据第二段第二句话中的friends可知答案。

44Cdevote…to是固定搭配,意思是“投入……做某事”,即我为什么要花费整个星期日和他骑车啊。waste sth.on浪费……在某事上。

45A 当我表现出冷漠时,父亲也不吱声。keep silent保持沉默。

46Bin case意思是“以防(万一)”。当他计划自行车旅行的时候总会让我知道,万一我也想去。

47A(be) in low spirits是固定短语,意思是“ 情绪低落”。由空后“我的两个朋友去看电影却没叫我”可知答案。

48C 父亲进了我的房间。

49A 根据前面内容可知,此处指父亲问我是否去骑车。

50D 因为我情绪低落,因此父亲跟我说话时,我不耐烦地喊道(shouted):“让我一个人待着。”

51B 根据本段第一句话可知,这时候是早晨。

52C 警察打电话通知(inform)我们,说父亲出了交通事帮。其他几项不合题意。convince表示“说服”;remind提醒;phone打电话,与前面的called重复。


54B 我轻轻地抓住父亲的手,害怕弄疼他。


56C 父亲的意思是“我记不得那天(早上)的事情了”。

57Dmanage a smile的意思是“强作微笑”,符合语意。

58B 我从来没有想到过让父亲将我单独留下。

59D 语言有不可估量的力量。由下文...to choose our words可知答案。




61 where    62 arrived     63 called      64 is surrounded    65 to be  

66 an      67especially    68 traditional   69 that            70 walking


hike— hiking   what—that/which   neither —either   butterflybutterflies  see—saw   ours—-our   more/ more—much   total —totally  next前面加the   How—What



Have a healthy lifestyle

As we all know, health is very important. Only when we are healthy can we study w ell and enjoy life.

However, many teenagers don’t pay any attention to their health, especially during the holiday. And they spend too much time watching TV, playing games and chatting on the Internet all night, which is bad for their health. First, this may make them get near-sighted. Besides, their bodies become much weaker. Thirdly, they will lose the chance to communicate with others face to face as they never go out, which may have a bad effect on their mental health.

In my opinion, they should spend less time in front of the TV or the computer. Go out to take some exercise, play some sports and visit some friends and have a healthy lifestyle.











































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